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What are Strings and String Builders?

A String represents a series of characters, like letters, numbers, symbols, or spaces.

for eg- Here "Hello World" consists of characters H,e,l,l,o,W,o,r,l,d

What are few inbuilt Java String Methods?

  1. length():

     int length = str.length(); // 5
  2. charAt(int index):

     char ch = str.charAt(1); // 'e'
  3. substring(int beginIndex):

     String substr1 = str.substring(2); // "llo"
  4. substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex):

      String substr2 = str.substring(1, 4); // "ell"
  5. indexOf(String str):

     int index1 = str.indexOf("l"); // 2
  6. indexOf(String str, int fromIndex):

     int index2 = str.indexOf("l", 3); // 3
  7. toUpperCase():

     String upperCase = str.toUpperCase(); // "HELLO"
  8. toLowerCase():

     String lowerCase = str.toLowerCase(); // "hello"
  9. replace(char oldChar, char newChar):

     String replaced = str.replace('l', 'L'); // "HeLLo"
  10. startsWith(String prefix):

    boolean startsWith = str.startsWith("He"); // true

Places Where Strings play very important role?

Text Processing: Strings are fundamental for processing textual data. They are used extensively in applications involving parsing, searching, and manipulating text, such as compilers, interpreters, text editors, and data processing pipelines.

  1. User Interface: In graphical user interface (GUI) development, strings are essential for displaying messages, labels, menu items, button captions, and other text-based elements to interact with users.

  2. Data Representation: Strings are often used to represent and exchange data in various formats, such as JSON, XML, CSV, and HTML. They play a crucial role in data serialization, deserialization, and communication between different systems.

  3. Input/Output Operations: Strings are heavily used in input/output operations, such as reading from and writing to files, streams, databases, and network sockets. They help in representing and processing data in a human-readable format.

  4. Data Structures and Algorithms: Strings are integral components of many data structures and algorithms. For example, string matching algorithms (e.g., searching for a substring), sorting algorithms (e.g., sorting strings lexicographically), and graph algorithms (e.g., representing vertices and edges using strings) rely on string manipulation.

  5. Error Handling and Logging: Strings are often used to generate error messages, log entries, and diagnostic information in software applications. They help developers in debugging, troubleshooting, and monitoring the behavior of the system.

  6. Internationalization and Localization: Strings play a crucial role in internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) of software products. They allow developers to support multiple languages, cultures, and locales by externalizing and translating text resources.

  7. Security: Strings are involved in various security-related tasks, such as input validation, sanitization, encryption, and authentication. Proper handling of strings is essential for preventing security vulnerabilities, such as injection attacks and buffer overflows.

String Builders

  1. Mutable Text Containers: StringBuilders are objects in Java that can hold sequences of characters, similar to Strings. However, unlike Strings, StringBuilder objects are mutable, meaning you can change their contents after they're created.

  2. Efficient String Manipulation: StringBuilder provides methods to modify its contents efficiently, such as appending, inserting, deleting, or replacing characters. This makes StringBuilder suitable for situations where you need to build or modify strings dynamically, especially when dealing with large amounts of text.

  3. Performance Benefits: Since StringBuilder allows in-place modifications, it's often more efficient than repeatedly creating new String objects when making changes. This can lead to better performance and less memory overhead, particularly in scenarios where string manipulation operations are frequent or intensive.

Important Inbuilt Methods?

  1. append(): Appends the string representation of the given data to the StringBuilder.

  2. insert(): Inserts the string representation of the given data at the specified position.

  3. delete(): Deletes characters from the StringBuilder starting at the specified position up to but not including the specified end position.

  4. deleteCharAt(): Deletes the character at the specified position.

  5. replace(): Replaces characters in the StringBuilder from the specified start index to the specified end index with the specified string or character sequence.

  6. reverse(): Reverses the characters in the StringBuilder.

  7. charAt(): Returns the character at the specified index in the StringBuilder.

  8. length(): Returns the length (number of characters) of the StringBuilder.

  9. substring(): Returns a new String that contains a subsequence of characters currently contained in the StringBuilder.

  10. toString(): Converts the StringBuilder to a String.

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