Why Learn Rust?
Memory Safety: Rust ensures memory safety without a garbage collector.
Concurrency: Rust enables safe and efficient concurrent programming.
Performance: Rust offers performance comparable to C and C++.
Community: Rust has a vibrant community and ecosystem supported by Cargo.
Versatility: Rust is versatile and supports cross-platform development.
Installing Rust on Windows
Step 1: Quick Install
Step 2: let's Get Rusty
If you get some error rustup and cargo not found make sure to install the respective packages according to your operating systems
Hello World In Rust ๐ฆ
fn main(){
println!("Hello World");
Data Types In Rust ๐ฆ
Primitive Data Types:
Integer Types: Represent whole numbers. Examples include
, etc.Floating-Point Types: Represent numbers with fractional parts. Examples include
.Boolean Type: Represents true or false values. Denoted by
.Character Type: Represents a single Unicode character. Denoted by
Compound Data Types:
Arrays: Fixed-size collections of elements of the same type. Denoted by
[T; N]
, whereT
is the type of elements andN
is the number of elements.Tuples: Fixed-size collections of elements of possibly different types. Denoted by
(T1, T2, ...)
fn main() {
// Primitive data types
let integer: i32 = 42;
let floating_point: f64 = 3.14;
let boolean: bool = true;
let character: char = 'A';
println!("Integer: {}", integer);
println!("Floating point: {}", floating_point);
println!("Boolean: {}", boolean);
println!("Character: {}", character);
// Compound data types
let array: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
let tuple: (i32, f64, bool) = (10, 3.14, false);
println!("Array: {:?}", array);
println!("Tuple: {:?}", tuple);
// Accessing elements in array and tuple
println!("First element of array: {}", array[0]);
println!("Second element of tuple: {}", tuple.1);
Conditional Statements In Rust ๐ฆ
fn main() {
let number = 10;
// Simple if-else statement
if number > 0 {
println!("Number is positive");
} else {
println!("Number is non-positive");
// if-else if-else statement
if number > 0 {
println!("Number is positive");
} else if number < 0 {
println!("Number is negative");
} else {
println!("Number is zero");
// Using if in let statement (if as an expression)
let is_positive = if number > 0 {
} else {
println!("Is number positive? {}", is_positive);
Operators in Rust ๐ฆ
fn main() {
// Arithmetic operators
let a = 10;
let b = 5;
println!("Addition: {}", a + b);
println!("Subtraction: {}", a - b);
println!("Multiplication: {}", a * b);
println!("Division: {}", a / b);
println!("Remainder: {}", a % b);
// Comparison operators
let x = 10;
let y = 20;
println!("Equal to: {}", x == y);
println!("Not equal to: {}", x != y);
println!("Greater than: {}", x > y);
println!("Less than: {}", x < y);
println!("Greater than or equal to: {}", x >= y);
println!("Less than or equal to: {}", x <= y);
// Logical operators
let p = true;
let q = false;
println!("Logical AND: {}", p && q);
println!("Logical OR: {}", p || q);
println!("Logical NOT: {}", !p);
// Bitwise operators
let m = 0b1010; // Binary representation of 10
let n = 0b1100; // Binary representation of 12
println!("Bitwise AND: {:b}", m & n);
println!("Bitwise OR: {:b}", m | n);
println!("Bitwise XOR: {:b}", m ^ n);
println!("Bitwise NOT: {:b}", !m);
// Assignment operators
let mut c = 5;
c += 3; // Equivalent to c = c + 3
println!("Compound Assignment: {}", c);
// Increment and decrement operators
let mut d = 10;
d += 1; // Increment
println!("Increment: {}", d);
d -= 1; // Decrement
println!("Decrement: {}", d);
// Range operator
for i in 1..=5 {
println!("Inclusive Range: {}", i);
Pointers in Rust ๐ฆ
fn main() {
let x = 42;
// Reference: Immutable reference to x
let reference_to_x = &x;
println!("Value of x via reference: {}", *reference_to_x);
// Mutable reference: Mutable reference to x
let mut y = 10;
let mutable_reference_to_y = &mut y;
*mutable_reference_to_y += 5;
println!("Value of y via mutable reference: {}", *mutable_reference_to_y);
// Raw pointer: Immutable raw pointer to x
let raw_pointer_to_x: *const i32 = &x;
unsafe {
println!("Value of x via raw pointer: {}", *raw_pointer_to_x);
// Raw pointer: Mutable raw pointer to y
let mut z = 20;
let raw_pointer_to_mut_z: *mut i32 = &mut z;
unsafe {
*raw_pointer_to_mut_z += 10;
println!("Value of z via mutable raw pointer: {}", *raw_pointer_to_mut_z);
Control Flow ๐ฆ
// Match Expressions
let number = 5;
match number {
1 => println!("One"),
2 => println!("Two"),
3..=5 => println!("Three to Five"),
_ => println!("Other"),
// Loop Statements
let mut count = 0;
loop {
println!("Count: {}", count);
count += 1;
if count >= 5 {
// For loop
for number in 1..=5 {
println!("Number: {}", number);
// Enhanced For Loop