First Impression
We definitely know that first impression is the last impression
We always try to give our first impression as strong and as bold as possible lets say we are going out for a date we always make sure that we are dressed well, you take care of your fragrance and try to be as clean as possible trying to impress your date
We always try to give our first impression as smart and as talented as possible if we are in interview we always try to make ourself well educated, formally dressed using appropriate vocabularies and trying to hold the conversion in 1 standard language which in most of the cases for us our English
As a Software Developer why do we never try to present our projects well documented most of the times we dont even host our web based applications, projects in the cloud or android, iOS in the play store or the app store
we think who really cares about hosting and presenting it in local mobile stores what we care is copy pasting the code from youtube or internet to our machine playground IDE(Integrated development Environment)
we Never Care whether our project uses appropriate version of modules, package and etc. it takes a single command to type in the terminal to get to know the version and requirements of what u are building
python --version
The above snippet will show the version of python installed in your local machine
what things should we take care of while making our projects
- Reading documentation and looking for similar open source projects
Make sure u read the Terms and Policies and License Of the Code written by the owner
To make your project accessible over the internet use of tools like GitHub and GitLab
Well Documenting your code in GitHub like platforms
Hosting it using tools like vercel, heroku, github pages, netlify etc.
This is How Your Github Should Look Alike
Make sure u represent your datasets, skills, achievements in the github using markdown
If you want to make something similar to markdown which i have generated
fork the below repo and make changes accordingly to you
If You are interested in Open sourcing and contributing please join the following organization